Business Risk Management



Business Continuity

A catastrophic business disruption (supply chain, hacker, natural or man-made disaster) may result in loss of life, environmental impacts, production delays or even closure (temporary or permanent) of a site.

2TSustainAbility can help clients create systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company.

Together with our associates, we assist in business risk reviews and enable ongoing operations before and during disaster recovery.

Stakeholder Engagement 

At 2TSustainAbility  we know that developing and maintaining the adequate communication channels and relations management with all the relevant stakeholders for your business is no longer a luxury but a key topic for the good development of your company and also very important to maintain your license to operate. We offer clients stakeholder management services.

Our goal is to assist your companies achieve their sustainability potential by adding value to our clients in a transparent and honest manner while protecting employee health and safety, company reputation via creative and innovative solutions.

Through our expertise and network of professionals, we offer support in the areas of:

  • Link to interested partners
  • Community development through strengthen the BO’s (Base organization).
  • Sustainable communities
  • Regional approaches
  • Revise old community support systems and paternalistic community models 
  • Organized and institutionalized community participation. 
  • Social Impact

Crisis Management

Crises are always unexpected or unplanned. Poor management of a crisis can be the end of your company.

The first hours of an incident are always the most critical and depending of how the first moments are managed the incident may be controlled and not escalated to become a local, national or even an international crisis.

This is why is very important to be prepared, have the required systems and tools in place to control and de-escalate crises in time.

 2TSustainAbility can provide and train your team with tools and techniques to be prepared in case of a crisis. We also can supply highly experienced crisis advisors in case you need additional support in a crisis.

Our goal is to assist your companies achieve their sustainability potential by adding value to clients in a transparent and honest manner while protecting employee health and safety, company reputation via creative and innovative solutions. 

Through our expertise and experience we offer the following services in crisis management:

  • Training – focus on prevention and situational sensitivity
  • Help create local community action committees and crisis management teams
  • Crisis Simulation (Role play)
  • Spokesperson selection and training
  • Media and target audience management.